Bite firmly on gauze for 30 minutes. Check and replace if bleeding persists. Some blood in saliva is normal for 2 days, but continuous bleeding is not.
Pressure in mouth:
Avoid activities that change pressure in the mouth (straws, smoking, heavy swishing) for 3 days to prevent dry socket.
Swelling may increase initially, peaking on day 3, then gradually reducing. Apply ice pack on day 1, followed by heat packs.
If no prescription pain meds were given, take 400mg ibuprofen + 500mg Tylenol together every 6-8 hours for 3 days (unless you have a condition that prevents you). It’s easier to stay on top of the pain than trying to play catch up.
Rest and avoid exercise or heavy lifting for 3 days. Listen to your body.
After having a temporary crown placed:
• It’s normal for the tooth to be sensitive.
• Avoid chewing sticky foods (Gum)
• Avoid biting hard or crunchy foods (almonds)
• If possible, chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
• When flossing, remove floss by pulling it out the side rather than popping it back out.
• Temporary crowns are not meant to be on for more than a month at most. We will schedule and remind you, but getting the final crown is ultimately your responsibility.
• If temporary comes off or breaks please contact our office.
If extractions were also done at the time of the implants, please see Extractions After Care Instructions.
Bleeding: Some blood in the saliva is normal for 2 days, but continuous bleeding is not.
Pain: If no prescription meds were given, take 400mg Ibuprofen + 500mg Tylenol together every (6-8 hours).
(Unless you have a condition that prevents you). It’s easier to stay on top of the pain than trying to play catch up.
Smoking: Smoking in the first 3 days following implant placement is a guaranteed way for those implants to fail. Avoid at all costs.
Diet: Soft foods for 2 days, no straws, plenty of water & rest.
Wear your immediate denture may feel loose, but you must continue wearing it for the next 24 hours to control bleeding & swelling.
Failure to do this will make the denture not fit again.
We will see you after 24 hours to make some adjustments to make the denture more comfortable. See Extractions After Care Instructions.
Do not use denture adhesives until your doctor says it’s safe to do so.
After about 6 months, your bone will have healed & changed in shape. Your temporary denture will not fit then & a new denture will have to be needed.